@justsomeone,I am sorry for bombarding with too many queries.
When ever you get time can please guide me on the following.
Assessment required for Background and Border -CSS topic
Attaching links below:(Though images can not be seen)
I could not do some of the questions Kindly guide on the same.
Topic link:
Thank you
Good Day…
Hello again @Coder_In_Progress!
I’ve had a look at these two as well. The first one is absolutely perfect - well done!
The second one is definitely on the right track — you’ve got the stars on the right placed perfectly. But look again at the same image on the assessment page — there’s a single star on the left too.
To do this you’ll have to use multiple background images, which you can achieve by providing multiple values separated by commas. Then you’ll also have to adjust the test placement so that it sits in the center, and not on top of the stars. Something like this will work:
h2 {
background-image: url(star.png), url(star.png);
background-position : left center, right;
background-repeat : no-repeat, repeat-y;
text-align: center;
padding: 0 40px;
@chrisdavidmills Sir,
Thank you once again…!!
sorry again @Coder_In_Progress
and well done for your progress
have a nice day