Assessment - Structuring planet data

Hello everyone,

Can someone take a look at my table and give feedback :slight_smile:
Here is link to the code: Codepen


Hi @vasil.lyubenov and welcome to the community :wave:

Great work on this exercise. :+1:

Here are some possible improvements:

  • Your page is missing the <!DOCTYPE html> on the first line.
  • When defining <col>s in <colgroup> we need to mention all columns. You should use <col span="9"> as last line there.
  • On Neptune you used <tf> instead of <tr>.
  • “Dwarf planets” is only used on a single row. Therefore its scope should just be row.

I hope that helps,

Thank you very much!
It helps! :smile:

I kept getting warning in codepen that I don’t need the <!DOCTYPE html> there and that’s why it is missing. I’ll fix everything else.

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Yeah, you’re right.
I just wanted to make sure the line doesn’t get missed in a real project. :grin: