On local, I actually really use indentation. โ You are right, itโs a good practice to improve the readability of the source code (I use tabs to indent equals to two spaces) โ but before to upload the same to CodePen I try to minify it.
Because I donโt know from what kind of device, the source code will be read, and I try to adapt it to mobile and small-screen devices.
Should I keep doing it? I actually prefer to keep air between elements, is more work minify code, and I donโt think that if someone is coding prefer work using a small screen.
You should definitively keep your code indented when putting it on CodePen. Even when being on mobile indentation would be beneficial. I often look at code examples when reading an article on mobile and having no indention would make it worse. Scrolling a bit right and left is a small price to pay for general readability.