February 15, 2020, 5:19am
Sir Chris,
My hope is that my frequent questions will not eat away at your soul. Apologies. Please, when you have a moment see my answer for Events #3 . My solution works, but it does bubble.
Also, I haven’t the slightest clue on Events #2 . I am shamelessly going to ask for the solution… or better a hint at how to solve.
Thank you!!!
Hi there @cazzimoto !
My hope is that my frequent questions will not eat away at your soul.
Certainly not — I’ve been working for silicon valley tech companies long enough that I no longer have a soul
You are on the right track with #3 — bubbling is the right way to go! However, the code inside the event handler function could be a lot simpler; you could just grab the color value directly from the event target’s data-color
attribute. See our solution for this approach: learning-area/javascript/building-blocks/tasks/events/ at main · mdn/learning-area · GitHub
#2 is quite hard, and requires some research. See here for our solution: learning-area/javascript/building-blocks/tasks/events/ at main · mdn/learning-area · GitHub