Assessment wanted for Fancy Letterheaded paper project

I found the part where I had to add semi-transparent gradient over the top of both the previous backgrounds really hard. So I resorted to box-shadow property to counter that problem which is definetely not the right way to deal with it. Also, I think I’ve messed up a lot with the project requirements. Any help would be much appreciated.
Here are the .:-

Code Pen link
Task link

Figured out this one too. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Great job on this task, @Dinesh_Sake!
Everything looks good.

I don’t see any box-shadow in your code. Have you updated it?

Speaking of box-shadow: This would be an alternative for the drop-shadow filter for the logo. :slightly_smiling_face:



Yes, I’ve updated it after a lot of trial and errors. And thanks for replying.

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