Assessment wanted for flexbox

Task 1:

Task 2:

Task 3:

Task 4:



Hi again @Sarai_Atoche_Pascual

Task 1 to 3 are correctly solved. :+1:
If you compare your solution of task 4 with the solution image, you’ll see that your <li>s aren’t aligned on the right side. You’ll need one specific property on li { ... } to make it look like in the image.


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Thank @mikoMK, Is this okay? Apparently I need to learn more about the abbreviated property ‘flex’

Yes, that’s correct.

The default values for the different flex properties are:

flex-grow: 0;
flex-shrink: 1;
flex-basis: auto;

Which allows resizing of the element based on its content. But only shrinking because of the 0 for grow.

With single values of flex it gets a bit tricky. For example flex: 1; is interpreted as a grow value and sets flex: 1 1 0 which ignores the content size. But flex: auto; is interpreted as a basis value and sets: flex: 1 1 auto;. This means you could also set flex: auto; in your code and it would have the same effect.

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I understand @mikoMK. Thank you for help me :star_struck:

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