These answers are looking pretty good! Let’s go through them and give you a few comments.
For task 1, you need to use max to set a maximum lengthfor numeric fields.
For task 2, you’ve got these regexes nearly right, except that the email address field should accept numbers in the name part of the email (i.e. the bit before the @) as well as letters.
Later I looked at your version, and it uses type="tel" instead of type="number", and maxlength works with tel. Fixed in my code too.
Fixed task 2.
I have printed version of web pages, so I guess I learned with old version.
So for task 3, I didn’t use the methods used in tutorial, sorry.
Thanks for info, updated task 3 too.
Greetings, just looking forward to get a feedback if how i’m doing this Skills Test makes a landing of some sort or not, so that i can bring improvements, thank you very much for looking into this, much appreciated, here is codepen link for my attempt for it: