Assessment wanted for HTML images skill test 1

The images are not displayed because I do not have pro.

Task 01:

Task 02:

Task 03:



Congratulations @Sarai_Atoche_Pascual!

All tasks are correct. :+1:

Regarding the images:
For future exercises you could directly link the original images from MDN GitHub. They are usually in a subdirectory of the starting code. When you click the Download button you get on an URL that can be used as the src attribute. On the first task this would be:



thank you very much miguel, it helps me a lot :hugs:

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For future exercises you could directly link the original images from MDN GitHub.

Wouldn’t this cause problems with the course material, though?

For example, within “Task 1” one of the first points read:

  • Add the path to the image to an appropriate attribute to embed it on the page. The image is called blueberries.jpg , and it is in a folder inside the current folder called images .

If the Learner put in the direct link, it would fail to demonstrate on an assessment that the Learner understands linking images with relative URLs considering the content of the assessment question, no?

Yeah, you’re probably right in this particular case.
You can take it as a general advice when having to deal with images in the courses. :blush:

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