Assessment wanted for HTML "Marking up a letter" exercise

Hello! click edit on CodePen for more details. You can help me with a simple “ok”, any suggestions on how can i improve are welcome as well.

This exercises are going to my github repository for improving it, since my github are on beginning yet.

I really appreciate your feedback, thank you for your time!

Hi @Show_Solo

Again, great work! :clap:

I have only three small remarks:

  • Instead of the <pre> tags in the addresses it would be more fitting to use <br>s. Otherwise you would need to change the CSS, too (to make the fonts match again).
  • The <pre> of the date should be a <p>.
  • On the last line, your citing of the source is correct, but the quote itself needs to be wrapped with <q>. (This will automatically add typographical quotes.)

Have a nice day,

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All right, errors fixed! For the next posts I will apply the GitHub Pages suggestion too, thanks @mikoMK

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You’re welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:

Now your code is perfect :ok_hand: