Assessment wanted for Images and Form elements skill test 1


Would you please assess my solution to the task two of the below skill test:

My solution can be found here:

The reason I am asking is that I am not sure if I used the optimal way to target the search field and button. Do I really have to add . myform class to both selectors?

Thanks in advance.

Hello @mabouguerra

you doing great well done

you just missed the closing } for the last rule i am sure that typing error

well done and have a nice day

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I cannot view the frame because of Content Security Policy:


i inspected the page here to get the codepen link from his post

discourse behave funny when posting links :slight_smile:

hope that help and have a nice day

@justsomeone thanks for the idea.
@mabouguerra since Mozilla discourse doesn’t allow codepen frames, maybe next time just post the link address?

you welcome

I actually just posted the link, but in any case I was on my phone I didn’t notice, I am sorry :frowning:

@chrisdavidmills No worries — I was able to grab the codepen link from the email notification :wink:

So this looks fine, although I’d say that you can simplify the 2nd selector to this:

.myform input {
font-size: inherit;
padding: 10px;

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