Assessment wanted for Loops 3 skill test

I have tried for Loop test 3 but not able to get a prime number result can anyone tell me what is missing from the code.

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Problem statement of Loop test 3

In this final task, you are provided with the following:

  • i — starts off with a value of 500; intended to be used as an iterator.
  • para — contains a reference to a paragraph, which will be used to report the results.
  • isPrime() — a function that, when passed a number, returns true if the number is a prime number, and false if not.

You need to use a loop to go through the numbers 2 to 500 backward (1 is not counted as a prime number), and run the provided isPrime() function on them. For each number that isn’t a prime number, continue on to the next loop iteration. For each one that is a prime number, add it to the paragraph’s textContent along with some kind of separator.

You should use a type of loop that you’ve not used in the previous two tasks.