Assessment wanted for Marking up a letter and I have a few questions

Hello everybody :wave:

I just finished the task for Marking up a letter and I would like it to be assesed.

This is the assignment.
And this is what I did.

I have a question about the structure: If I have a <main> element and this contains a subsection represented by <article>, and it remains a paragraph, which has nothing to do with the context of the article then that paragraph can remains outside the element <article> without being placed in any other subsection ? Or that paragraph have to be in a <div> or <section>?

This can help you:
Various paragraphs
<p> This paragraph have nothing to do with others paragraphs. </p>
The second question is about the attribute <class>:
If I put this attribute at <date> (<date class=“sender-column” datetime=“01/20/2016”>), why is it not styled?
And if I put at the paragraph where is it (<p class=“sender-column”> <date datetime=“01/20/2016”>), it’s working?

–>I want to specify that I styled it with css as can be seen in the link.

.sender-column {

 That's all!

:slightly_smiling_face: Thanks for this guide and the chance to get a feedback! It helps me very much!

Hi @Ana_Raluca and welcome to the community :wave:

Nice work on this big exercise. :+1:
Here are some comments. You’re questions are answered below.

  • No need for the <p> around <address> .
  • Self-closing elements don’t need the /> (e. g. <br> is okay).
  • You can omit the last <br> in the address since it automatically breaks the line.
  • There’s no <date> element. <time> is used for date and time.
  • The datetime attributes have the wrong format. For example 2016-01-20 would be correct.
  • You’re missing a “d” in the second </address>. The opening address never gets close. That’s why everything is italic.
  • Instead of <sup>0</sup> in the temperature, you should use the degree character °.
  • There’s an additional > after the </abbr> on the last line.
  • Everything else looks fine. :slightly_smiling_face:

If I have a <main> element and this contains a subsection represented by <article>, and it remains a paragraph, which has nothing to do with the context of the article then that paragraph can remains outside the element <article> without being placed in any other subsection ? Or that paragraph have to be in a <div> or <section>?

It depends on the content. An <aside> could be fine or maybe a <footer>. A <section> usually consists of a heading and one or more paragraphs. If that’s the case it could also work.

If I put this attribute at <date> (<date class=“sender-column” datetime=“01/20/2016”>), why is it not styled?

<time> is an inline element. Its content flows with the text and cannot be aligned. On the other hand, <p> is a block element with a default width of 100%. It’s content can be align like we saw in this exercise.

I hope that helps. Feel free to ask more questions if you like. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a nice day,