Hey there!
Looking to get assessment on my project!
Live Site: https://mozilla-splash-page-vv.glitch.me
Code: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/mozilla-splash-page-vv
I realized how to easily change image size. Macbook already has a feature to do this
Went to Preview > Tools > Adjust Size
(Michael Koch)
Hi @Vladlen_Vronsky
Amazing work. 
Just two little things:
- You probably want the larger images in the fallback
s. Otherwise they won’t look good enough on larger screens on old browsers.
- You don’t need the second
in <picture>
. When the viewport is to wide for the first <source>
the browser will automatically use the <img>
I hope that helps,
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Hi @mikoMK
This helped big time!
I didn’t even notice that I used the smaller image as the fallback src
s. That was a solid catch.
I just made the updates to the code 
Thanks so much for your help and assessment!
(Michael Koch)
Great improvements, @Vladlen_Vronsky!
Now everything looks perfect. 
Others would call it nitpicking 
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