Assessment wanted for my Accessibility troubleshooting

Hi everybody.

Assess my small page. Pleease.

A link to my “Glitch”.

A link to the actual task.

Remark: W3C Validator swears at index.html from a zip container

Bad value|Sonsie+One for attribute href on element link: Illegal character in query: | is not allowed.

Thank you all very much.

Hi @petrushya

Amazing work on this massive exercise. :medal_sports:

Here are my comments:

  • Colors: Correct.
  • Semantic HTML: Correct.
  • Images: Correct.
  • Audio player: Correct. The “show/hide transcript” could (possibly easier) be implemented with a toggle button and a bit of JS.
  • Forms: Correct. The for attribute isn’t needed when wrapping the <input> with the <label>.
  • Show/hide comments: Correct.
  • Table: Correct.

I think you and the validator are right. The pipe should be encoded in URLs. Could you open an issue on the MDN GitHub repo?

Have a nice day,