Assessment wanted for Silly story generator by bedri

hi, could you please assess my code for silly story generator?

by the way I decided to create repository for the assessments at the end of each module.
here is the repository and the page published via github pages.

ps: I hope you do not mind that I just replaced some part of the raw text with some names used in one of my turkish tv series - which is called “Kurtlar Vadisi”- to make the assessment a bit fun for me:)

Marhaba @bedribulut

you doing great as usual well done

it better to put the css code in the css panel in codepen and to put it in css file in the github and link it to the html file

if you want to push it a little further you can use regex instead

check this reference if you like

no one mind and it always nice to make the learning process fun :joy:

have a nice day and happy coding :slight_smile:


thank you so much for your feedback.


it’s called tashkular looks like you do not know Turkish :joy:

just kidding those only words i know from Turkish language

and you very welcome :slight_smile:

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