Assessment wanted for Silly story generator-haydee

task page

my work page

my problem is if I type a name and don’t change the name, then no matter how I clicked, the story won’t change :cry:

Hi @Austin_Hart

Here are some hints to get you further:

  • let newStory = storyText; needs to go inside the event loop so we always start with a “fresh” text when we click.
  • Same for the xItem, yItem and zItem assignments to randomize them every time.
  • Only the name replacer should be inside the first if statement. Otherwise :insertx: and the other placeholders won’t get replace without a custom name.

Tell me if you need more help. :slightly_smiling_face:

Happy coding,

your suggestion is very helpful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

my revised work

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Yay! :medal_sports: Now it’s perfect.

Well done, @Austin_Hart :clap: