Hi, I would like an assessment for this test: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML/Introduction_to_HTML/Structuring_a_page_of_content
My solution: https://codepen.io/octaviansabou/pen/YzwaNxg
P.S. the W3C Nu HTML Checker shows an error for that Goole Fonts link (it doesn’t like that “|” separator between different font families).
P.P.S. In CodePen I can’t add the CSS link in the HTML file (I added a comment for it), and the images can’t be seen. All these are ok only on my local computer:
Is there a workaround for this related to CodePen? Or should I continue in the same way for future tests?
Hello @octaviansabou
you doing great
i do not think it would be a problem for the google font link as it what you got from them
codepen allow only that option for the payed user you use it to create project and upload all your stuff there
and for image same thing but you can work around it if the image can be linked by links like you get the image from internet and use the links instead of local file
you can use github it’s free but has a learning curve
hope that help and have a nice day
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Thanks for the extra info, @justsomeone. Have a nice day too!
you welcome @octaviansabou and thanks 
Glitch allows you to upload files on your project with the free version, so might be worth looking into as well.
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thanks @chrisdavidmills for the info
have a nice day