Howdy, looking for a general assessment on my table for Structuring planet data.
Do I need to include further after styling the “Name” column with a border? It seems to display ok. Thank you!
Link to my table:
Link to the assignment:
Howdy, looking for a general assessment on my table for Structuring planet data.
Do I need to include further after styling the “Name” column with a border? It seems to display ok. Thank you!
Link to my table:
Link to the assignment:
Hi @mcbiscuits437 and welcome to the community
Well done! Here are some comments:
is enough).<colgroup>
you indeed need to mention all columns. To save some typing you can use the span
attribute (e. g. <col span="9">
has to be the first child of <table>
attributes are all correct. I hope that helps. Please ask if you need more assistance.
Have a nice day,
Thanks so much for the welcome and your assessment!
Regarding the , I could sum up the last several columns simply by writing:
col span=“9”
(i can’t figure out how to display the < > symbols in this comment, go figure).
Could I do that for the first two columns also?
col span=“2”
col style=…
col span=“9”
I totally forgot to run through the HTML checker, thanks for the reminder!
Yes. That’s exactly right.
Regarding the angle brackets:
You can use backticks to display code. Either single backticks for inline code or triple backticks on their own line for multi-line code.
Inline code:
This is an HTML tag: `<body>`.
Multi-line code:
<col span="2">
<col style="border: 2px solid black">
<col span="9">
Backticks, thanks for the reminder.
You have been so helpful, thanks again!