Thank you for your feedback. I was aiming to fulfill the basic requirements of the assessment, and decided initially not to bother with any enhancements. I figured there were ways to improve on it.
I have an observation and a question:
On #1, going through this course I found that I don’t much care for responsive design. That kind of added hassle will likely lead me to specialize in server-side programming, which I was more interested in to begin with. But it’s certainly worth it to learn client-side design first.
On #7, what exactly do you mean by “meets accessibility standards”? I try to come up with color schemes that are both visually appealing and make text easily readable. I’ve seen examples on the Web of lousy contrast where I could barely even see the text I’m trying to read. But I have no training in graphic design, and I don’t know what color combinations would be considered good or “accessible.”
Thank you again. I may come back to this, but for now I want to complete the advanced styling assessments first.