"Assessment wanted for tables skill test"

Hey @chrisdavidmills, Here I am again with my query :sweat_smile:
Kindly assess me on this and I could not answer one question.
Please help me out with that.

Link attached below:https://codepen.io/kan_coder/pen/WNrNEjX

Topic linkhttps://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Building_blocks/Tables_tasks

Have a great day…!!

Hello @Coder_In_Progress

hope that everything is going fine with you
i did not get to that leason yet so i see you going great but if you mean the first question of the task
Align headings and data for columns containing numbers right.

this will fix it
text-align: right;

and for the secand one
Align headings and data for columns containing text left.

text-align: left;

i see you just missed the border-collapse one

check the other question

well done and have a nice day