Hi there. Please could you give feed back on my attempt at these tasks. Thank you.
Given tasks:
Task 1:
Task 2:
Task 3:
Task 4:
Hi there. Please could you give feed back on my attempt at these tasks. Thank you.
Given tasks:
Task 1:
Task 2:
Task 3:
Task 4:
Great work, @vusithedev
Here are my comment:
margin: auto;
works. There is a more “Flex way” to do centering. Can you think of the two properties you could put on the parent to center the child horizontally and vertically?flex
which will make them look the same.I hope that helps.
Have a nice day,
Hi Michael
Thanks for the feedback.
For Task 3:
The more “flex way” would be removing the margin: auto;
and replacing it with
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
As for Task 4:
I didn’t notice that slight difference, but
flex: 1 auto
in the li
rule fixed that up.
Yes, both are correct.
Instead of flex: 1 auto;
you could also just write flex: auto;
. That’s short for flex: 1 1 auto;