[ATTENTION] Discourse Migration Completed


We’ve completed the migration of Mozilla’s Discourse forum from a self-hosted instance to a hosted solution provided directly by the Discourse team and upgraded our platform to the latest version. This transition has a huge impact on streamlining maintenance, unlocking new features, and resolving existing bugs, which ultimately will improve the efficiency and reliability of our platform in the long run. We’d love your feedback—please complete this survey to help us shape future improvements of the platform.

Hi Mozillians!

Thanks for your engagement during the preview session. I’m happy to announce that we’ve completed the migration of our Mozilla’s Discourse forum from a self-hosted instance to a hosted solution provided directly by the Discourse team. In addition to the migration, we have also updated our platform to the latest version.

Here’s how this transition will benefit the whole community:

  • Streamline maintenance and improve reliability

    Discourse team will make sure to keep the platform up to date in the future, thus streamlining maintenance effort and improving platform’s reliability in the long run. This will also make Discourse a more reliable option for cross-functional community engagement.

  • Unlock new features and resolve existing bugs

    The version upgrade unlock new features such as an updated UI with customizable sidebar, Discourse Chat, Discourse AI , and an improved moderation experience for staffs and moderators. Of course, we will take our time to decide if we want to enable these exciting features. This upgrade should also fix a critical security vulnerability that the community has consistently highlighted over the years.

  • Give us momentum to re-think our strategic approach on cross-function community tooling

    Due to version incompatibility, several plugins were removed. Here are some of the plugins that we removed as part of this transition:

    • Mozilla IAM. Authentication to our Discourse platform is now switched to the built-in OICD provider. As an impact of this plugin removal, we’re also retiring the NDA category in our forum due to legal risk of leaking information. Historically, we used this category to share sensitive information to contributors who are part of the NDA group. This transition give us an opportunity to re-think about our strategic approach on cross-function community tooling. In the meantime, we will be using a mail group to communicate with NDA contributors while we think about a more automated solution.
    • Post-email-read. This plugin enables the user to mark a post as read when emailed.
    • Moz-Letter-Avatar & Mozilla theme. The first plugin turns the initial letter of a user’s name as the default avatar for new a user, and the latter is a Mozilla-themed themes. We removed both plugins as they may not be aligned with Mozilla’s latest brand update.

We’re so excited about reaching this milestone and would love your feedback! Please take a moment to complete our survey - your insights will help shape future improvements to the platform.

Thank you for your support!


Thank you for the upgrade!

I can’t believe how fast this forum is now.
Was it running on a Raspberry Pi before? :smiley:

Also, any way to reduce the spam messages?
There seems to be a lot of them lately.
Maybe add another captcha?

Hi Juraj,

There are some spam prevention techniques from this page that we may be able to employ in the near future. Is there any specific category you noticed getting the spam messages more often?