My question: Is there any way (a switch, script, regedit-key) to allow this installation and enable the add-on automatically?
Im deploying this to about 700 PC´s, the less clicking the users have to do, the less stress for me.
I got the installation to “Allow this installation”, but faced a new issue.
I started a new thread with the issue im facing.
"Hi, im deploying Firefox to a enterprise environment with an extension
included. Ive solved everything except one thing: To actually enable the
extension automatically.
Im using a .js-file that says:
pref(“general.config.filename”, “mozilla.cfg”);
pref(“general.config.obscure_value”, 0);
Ive created mozilla.cfg and added some prefs. One of them beeing:
lockPref(“extensions.enabledAddons”, true);
defaultPref(“extensions.enabledAddons”, true);
This pref should enable the extensions, but it doesnt. I have to enable the
extension manually, which i dont want. I want it to be done automatically
to make it easier for our end-users.
Anyone got a solution for this? Is there another way to enable extensions
If it helps you i can give you the .cfg-file to see its content.
Was there a published answer to this question? I am trying to deploy FF in an Enterprise Environment and want to ensure the installation of a plugin to allow control of settings via GPO.
I get prompted at launch to allow the installation… I need this to be silent to be workable.
Apart from “checking with the Enterprise Group”, are there any docs that cover the Firefox WebExtension pre-configuration and deployment from an enterprise perspective?