Autoclose window on url change

I am trying to close a window opened with the issue is that code is on a browser action file loaded inn an html file. So when that window of the menu is closed the execution is stopped.
I am trying to do a window that when you share a link on a social network the window have to auto close when the url change.
The code is on:

As I can see the only way is with a background script with an interval that getAll the window with something:{ windowTypes: ["popup"] }).then(logTabsForWindows, onError);
And do something on it when there is the change of the url.

Someone has other ideas?

Why aren’t you listening for tabs.onUpdated or webNavigation.onCommitted from the background page?

You could probably also listen for the 'beforeunload' event with a content script and message the beckground to close the window when that happens. (If the tab navigation is what you want to act on, not “url change”.)

I wasn’t sure that the windows and tab API are compatible but at the end I used onUpdated and resolved :slight_smile: