Automatic installation of Firefox Add-ons


We were self-distributing our add-on as part of our application Software.
Users installing our software will get our Firefox add-on automatically loaded in Firefox based on Windows registry until Firefox 73.

In Windows Registry, we will add the following information and our add-on will be automatically installed in Firefox.


Key Name  Key Type  Key Value

However from Firefox 74, our add-on is not getting installed automatically.

We have also listed our add-on in AMO after the approval from Firefox for public use, but the add-on is still not installing automatically.

Is there any workaround/alternative way for automatically installing the add-on(or showing the “Add Extension” Popup) during our application install?

Thanks & Regards,
Manoj Kumar


Hi Martin,

Thanks for your quick response!
I have gone through that link about sideloading extensions, but I am interested to know, is there any workound/alternative way for automatically installing extensions starting from Firefox 74

Thanks & Regards,
Manoj kumar

There is no way to keep exactly the same flow, else that post would have pointed it out. For alternatives, check out

Hi Martin,

The alternatives provided in that link require the users to install the add-on manually for the first time. We are trying to understand if there is a way to automatically install the add-on while installing our software on the user’s machine.

Thanks & Regards,
Manoj Kumar

As I said. You will have to ask the user to install the extension on their own behalf during your install flow.

Thanks for the confirmation Martin!