Awaiting Review Status A Very Long Time now. Since, November 15, 2015, and an some small profile related change about Nov-19-2015. This was back on our Updated Version We again added some small profile change today is FEB-03-2016. To see if it will help stimulate this system and community’s review. I did not even get the typical Firefox email conformation about general review is pending. Strange. Anyone know how to contact some one at Firefox community to “get on the stick”? Thank you. The Owner, AMETEX-Media, Software Division.
Which add-on is this about?
The above link. For version update. The last reviewer said to remove the other version. to completely upload another along with all the other screen shots, descriptions and things. Since, the previous update was entered as “unlisted”, it should have been hidden not “unlisted” for a certain time. When we wanted to publish the update, we could not update the “unlisted” and change to “hidden” and publish the version. Therefore, another update was, once again, put back on and selected with hide for now again. To repeat the steps. After complying now a longer wait.
Moments later I saw this just today!
Thanks. That add-on is quite complex and we currently have only very few reviewers who take such complex. I am sorry for the delay but we hope we can get to it soon.
Thank you for your kind and immediate answers today concerning this project.
I have Chrome Store version ready. Maybe someone just like to convert it. Since, we removed “PHP” in code and some other past issues, which were noted. Other issues have been explained in correspondence and on AMO site notes for the Reviewer notes. I can upload the Chrome source code to AMO for review, since it’s compiled and Obfuscated, Minificated source code which we will ultimately publish to public.
I am having problems accessing my Firefox developer’s account. Firefox says not listed. As you can see, I have used this as my account verification email in past many time, 2015-2016, Jan./Feb., 2016
We didn’t coin the expression “Click-to-Call”. But, it’s our technology people are using. Turning all the apps people like into voice apps and interactive phone numbers, interacting with all the apps people like. Making phone calls and sending electronic messages.
I see your account was accessed recently. Is your access problem resolved?
Accessed, yes. However, I cannot seem to use “update” from any existing version to latest update as “6.0” version. See uploaded ZIP today.
We didn’t coin the expression “Click-to-Call”. But, it’s our technology people are using. Turning all the apps people like into voice apps and interactive phone numbers, interacting with all the apps people like. Making phone calls and sending electronic messages.
I’m not sure what you mean here, but your add-on is currently disabled (by you). If you want to upload new versions, you need to enable it first.