Hi Community IT!
The badg.us site is returning a 503 error. Can someone take a look at it?
Hi Community IT!
The badg.us site is returning a 503 error. Can someone take a look at it?
I can’t even find it in our HP Cloud account… Not sure why it’s not there. (cc @ewong)
It’d under a different project. Do you need to find it in the UI to resolve?
Ah, okay. I was just making sure we didn’t terminate it or anything.
I can’t seem to connect to the badg server @
mrz, I don’t have access to the admin of that vm. can you poke that machine for me?
Just wondering what is going on with badg.us…not getting anything.
I’m working on it.
HP Cloud deleted the instances, because they were on the old panel, without alerting us other than with emails to an old alias, 4 months before they did the deletion.
Our data was stored in a service which is still running, but I’m having difficulties accessing it. Support have opened a ticket escalation. I’ll try and get this going in the next 72 hours, at least on a temporary server.
So sorry about the inconvenience.
Thanks @tad. Any word?
@cmcavoy Things have started melting down a bit around here.
We’ve got a deadline for all our stuff to be moved to a new provider tomorrow, so hopefully we’ll have badg.us running by Saturday evening.
Got it, thanks for the update @tad
For us, the most important thing is data integrity. The date it gets back up is less important than it coming up with all the data.
Thanks for your help!
I’ve got a copy of the database, so data should still be intact.
I’ve made a bug for the migration so you can track progress there.
It has been down since HP Cloud stopped sponsoring us. We’re working on migrating it to AWS.
Is there an ETA? It’s been down for a while. We’re trying to figure out
what we should be thinking about for next steps…
I don’t have an ETA right now, but @yousef is drafting up a document with the requirements so that we can move forward. He has been unable to tackle this for the past couple of weeks due to other commitments, but we’re all going to make a concerted effort to get this up and running again.
badg.us is now back, so I’m closing this thread accordingly. Please open a new one if you experience any further issues!
@cmcavoy - We noticed that this still hasn’t been used since we sorted it out in October. Could you let us know if you’re still planning to use it, or if something on our end is still blocking you from using it?