Balanced Purple light theme rejected as "duplicate" under manual review with no information provided

I’ve been trying to upload a light variant of my Balanced Purple theme (I currently have the auto and dark up) but it keeps getting rejected for being a “duplicate” even though it’s not a duplicate. What’s worse is, the reviewer didn’t provide information on what it’s supposed to be duplicating.

What’s going on with this review and how can I get it approved?

The theme being rejected is at

Have you tried replying to the rejection email to request clarification?

I sent a reply to the email just now. Has anyone heard of directly responding to the email being a good way to clarify or overturn a rejection?

It should be the same, your reply should appear in the Review history:

This is our preferred way for developers to reach out about a rejection. I’ll leave it to other posters to say whether or not it’s a good way :sweat_smile:

Thanks for all the help.

It turns out the theme they think I’m duplicating is the Auto variant of Balanced Purple, which has a dark theme that turns on in dark mode and private browsing windows, like the builtin system theme. The light one doesn’t have this feature so it’s not a duplicate after all.

Hopefully my next attempt gets approved.