BCD: When an API is temporarily disabled in multiple browsers

How do we handle in BCD cases where an API has been temporarily removed due to external forces (such as a hardware flaw being discovered that results in a security problem)?

Do we use version_removed? In that case, what happens when the API returns? Do we have two version_added sections?

Or do we just add a note that explains the situation? Or…?

I sort of suspect that version_removed is the way to go, but I want to get other, more experienced with BCD, opinions before I do it.

Has this happened, or is this a theoretical question?

It has happened. I have something I need to document right now that has had this happen.

The compat data schema supports “version ranges”, meaning you can add multiple support_statements like this:

"support": {
  "firefox": [
      "version_added": "72"
      "version_added": "25",
      "version_removed": "63"
      "notes": "Reason why this was removed for a while."

Right now, if we don’t know when or if a feature returns, you probably just want this:

"support": {
  "firefox":  {
    "version_added": "25",
    "version_removed": "63"
    "notes": "This might come back but for now it is gone because of dragons"

Thanks, Florian. That’s what I figured, but I wanted to be sure before I wrote it up.

I assume you’re referring to the SharedArrayBuffer situation, where it was disabled for the last few months due to Spectre? https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data/pull/2545

No, I’m referring to a WebGL thing disabled due to GLitch. :slight_smile: