I’ve created a new addon (“Open Auto Boookmarks”) which combines 2 older addons (“Open Some Bookmarks” and “Open Serial Tabs”).
What’s the best way to alert old-addon users of this, and direct them to the new addon.
I’ve included links the the old addon descriptions, but really don’t want any new “old-addon” users.
What should I do?
There is no specified way. Really what you need to do is reach out to the addon authors. If you can’t get their emails, you should email amo-editors@mozilla.org and ask them to email the authors. The editors will email them asking them if its ok to share their email with you. If they agree, then you have established communication with them. Then just ask them to put a note up on their listing saying “please go to YOUR_ADDON_LINK_HERE instead”.
Oops. I wasn’t very clear: All the addons are mine.
I was just looking for a way to phase-out the old ones.
I already added the links to the new addon (in the old addons), and I guess I’ll just let them linger on.
You can update the old add-ons to prompt users to switch to the new ones. We just don’t allow add-ons to automatically install other add-ons.
OK, thanks.