Hello everyone.
I faced problem with new multiprocess API migration (E10S aka Electrolysis).
Our web part interacts with extension which collaborates with native library written in C (we utilize c-types lib for this part).
Now Firefox is moving to multiprocess model that requires code adaptation. The most significant and complicated part for now is content-to-extension communication reimplementation. It was implemented according to related official documentation
We used bootstrap extension initialization in following manner:
function startup(params, reason) {
mainWindow = winMediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
if (null == mainWindow) {
var windowListenerWidget = {
onOpenWindow: function (aWindow) {
var mainWindow = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
mainWindow.addEventListener("load", function onWindowLoad() {
mainWindow.removeEventListener("load", onWindowLoad);
onCloseWindow: function (aWindow) {
onWindowTitleChange: function (aWindow, aTitle) {
} else {
function addAddonListener(win) {
function (event) {
var node = event.target;
if (!node || node.nodeType != 3) {
var response = CryptoApiExtension.handleMessage(JSON.parse(node.nodeValue));
var doc = node.ownerDocument;
node.nodeValue = JSON.stringify(response);
var event = doc.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
event.initEvent("CryptoApiExtension_response", true, false);
return node.dispatchEvent(event);
}, false, true);
This code above was broken with new multiprocess architecture. There are lot of documentation we have read, but still there’s no way we could handle this issue.
The question is: how to adapt this code to make extension accept web page invocations?