Can I use pre-trained model with


Please help me figure out how to use the pre-trained model with

I tried to pass the files from pre-trained models to’s corresponding arguments:


But I got error saying:

tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: deepspeech-0.1.0-models/models/output_graph.pb: invalid ELF header

I’m not sure how to fix this.

The pre-trained models worked fine with deepspeech command line tool.

My goal is to get the output matrix instead of the text output, is there a work around for this?

Thank you.

To clarify what do you mean by “output matrix”?

You can’t use the released model with unless you made significant changes to it. There’s no command line parameter that expects a frozen model to be passed in. From the error, it looks like maybe you passed --decoder_library_path models/models/output_graph.pb, when you should be passing the path to to it.

My guess would be that Kim is looking for the probabilities of each character rather than the most likely character (before the language model is applied), something like this*d1ktMdOnFOJRKKyjFP6sqQ.png.

If that’s the case, I’d be interested in it too (e.g. as a param of the commandline deepspeech).

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Sorry about the confusion. Like yv001 said, by output matrix I meant the probabilities of each character.

This would require writing a custom C++ operator that modifies our current custom C++ operator for CTC decoding[1] and would be a significant amount of work.

You don’t necessarily have to use to access the logits, you could also write some code to load the release model using the TensorFlow API, then fetch the “logits” node. You could try modifying this code to load from the frozen graph instead of restoring a checkpoint:

The relevant TensorFlow API is tf.import_graph_def.

A debugging script that shows most likely characters and their probabilities can be found here:

It loads a frozen graph, runs inference on given wav, model and alphabet, softmaxes the logits to get the probabilities and displays most likely characters and their probabilities, “-” is used for blank. Each character prediction is on a new line so the predicted text can be read in columns.

E.g. “cat” string could have these character predictions:
c k - (0.999957) (1.62438e-05) (6.99057e-06)
a - (0.999998) (1.05044e-06) (4.43978e-07)
t d - (0.999999) (4.27885e-07) (1.09088e-07)

This is how the script is run:

python3 ./bin/ --input-file "../data/my.wav" --model-file ../data/models/output_graph.pb --alphabet-file ../data/models/alphabet.txt --predicted-character-count 3

If it looks useful enough for others, give me a shout and I’ll create a pull request.


The script above has been updated to work with 0.6.0 frozen deepspeech pb models.