Community Building Discussions for Community Building. Location Discussion of location at Mozilla, including the Mozilla Location Service, Mozilla Stumbler, Firefox’s implementation of the Geolocation API, and region determination for Mozilla products and services. Test Pilot/Tracking Protection Discussions about the Tracking Protection experiment in Firefox Test Pilot. Leadership Summit MozFest Orlando All Hands LangEx/Français For helping Mozillians learn how to speak French. Please try to speak French when using this category. You can email to to post to this category. LangEx Language Exchange is a Mozilla program to connect more advanced language learners with native speaking Mozillians for coaching and conversation practice. Impact Teams Impact teams are groups of Mozilla volunteers and paid staff with a shared set of skill-sets and interests, working together as a team on a specific project or initiative. Test Pilot/Snooze Tabs An add-on to let you snooze your tabs for a while. Reps - Meetup Feb 2014 Demo sub-category for Mozilla Reps leadership to try out Discourse during the Feb 2014 Leadership meetup in Paris. Test Pilot/NoMore404s Discussions about the NoMore404s experiment in Firefox Test Pilot Lokalizace a testování Diskuse věnovaná české lokalizaci a testování aplikací Mozilla a jejich rozšíření. Test Pilot/Min Vid Discussions about the Min Vid experiment in Firefox Test Pilot. Community Ops/Discourse For Discussion about technical issues with Discourse, as well as best practices for offering Discourse as a service to communities and projects. LangEx/English For helping Mozillians learn how to speak English. Please try to speak English when using this category. You can email to to post to this category. Test Pilot/Cliqz Discussions about the Cliqz experiment in Firefox Test Pilot. Test Pilot/Voice Fill For discussion about the Voice Fill Test Pilot experiment. LangEx/Español For helping Mozillians learn how to speak Spanish. Please try to speak Spanish when using this category. Participation Leaders Activities and announcements for the core participation mobilizers. MozWeekend Discussions for the MozWeekend Framework. SUMO/Buddies This category is for buddies and mentors to discuss the program. For questions on anything other than buddies, put them in the SUMO forum. Test Pilot/Universal Search Discussion about the Universal Search experiment.Learn more: MozWeekend/London All discussions concerning MozWeekend London. Community WebDev Community WebDev is modeled after Community IT. It is a group that offers mentoring and WebDev opportunities to people wanting to learn or improve their WebDev skills. Anyone with WebDev experience is welcome to join as a mentor (you don't have to have been a Mozillian previously) and anyone is welcome to learn. Community Building - Pathways Working Group Test Pilot/Advance See where the web takes you. Advance notes the webpage you’re on and recommends the next thing you’ll want to read. Test Pilot/Activity Stream Discussions about the Activity Stream experiment.Learn more: Reps - MozFest 2014 Vývoj a tech. evangelizace Diskuse týkající se vývoje doplňků pro aplikace Mozilla a přístupných webů. Intellego We are a small, but growing, group of intrepid community members (staff and volunteers) that believe Mozilla should help protect the web through Machine Translation. Community WebDev/Discourse For discussion about Discourse development within Mozilla. Feature requests, and other non-technical discussions, should go in the Using Discourse category. Community Building - Systems and Data This is the discussion board of the "Systems and Data" Working Group of the Community Building Team. Council AMA Welcome to Reps Council's first ever AMA! Firefox Public Data The Firefox Public Data Report is a weekly public report on the activity, behavior, and hardware configuration of Firefox users. Test Pilot/Development Discussions about the development, design, and product strategy of the Test Pilot site and add-on. Reps - ReMo Camp 2014 ReMo Camp 2014 Berlin discussions go here. Test Pilot/Page Shot Dev Discussions about the development, operations, and maintenance of Page Shot. Impact Teams/Marketpulse All about Impact Teams Marketpulse. You can email to to post to this category. Participation This category is for discussions around Participation at Mozilla. Our mission is to have Mozilla succeed through openness and participation. Test Pilot/Tab Center Discussion about the Tab Center experiment.Learn more: Reps/Meetings This category in no longer in use, you can find Reps meetings under the following tags: Test Pilot Discussion about Test Pilot and more about the project on our wiki: Community Education Education and Training are a key piece in empowering our community as individuals, contributors and community builders. This category will : Test Pilot/Pulse We're building the next generation of Firefox, and we're focusing on real-world speed and performance. Pulse lets you give our engineers feedback about your experience on websites that work well in Firefox and on websites that don't. Taskcluster Discussion of Taskcluster, the task execution framework that supports Mozilla’s continuous integration and release processes. It is a flexible, scalable open-source framework that can be used to build complex, highly customized CI systems. Mozilla Mexico Discussions for the Mozilla Mexico community. Open Innovation Toolkit A space to discuss the content of, provide feedback and add content DeepSpeech Discussion on DeepSpeech, an open source speech recognition engine and models used to make speech recognition better for everyone! Lean Data Practices Lean Data Practices is a framework for anyone with personal data to build in privacy, security, and communications in ways that can build trust and reduce risk. Mozilla facilitates workshops and roundtables on LDP and offers a public toolkit, templates, case studies, other resources at: Security This category is focused on a range of topics, including diversity in security, building amazing security teams, incident response, forensics, and more. Communities - German - Vision Discussions for German - Vision. You can email to to post to this category. TTS (Text-to-Speech) This is TTS category following our Text-to-Speech efforts and conducting a discussion platform for contributors and users. So if your comment or statement does not relate the development of TTS, please consider to post it here. Equal Rating Innovation Challenge A space to discuss and talk about the Mozilla Open Innovation Challenge program. Email Tabs Ever needed to save or share a whole bunch of tabs as you research, shop, or just browse the web? Email Tabs lets you create beautiful emails from your open tabs to save them for later or share them. You can use Email Tabs to automatically send along links, screenshots, or even the text from articles. Take Back The Web Campaign The Take Back the Web Campaign is a University & College based campaign built on student leaders and mentors who are working together to raise awareness and empower other students to make choices about how their personal information is used online. Open Design A category for designers (professional or hobbyists) who want to contribute to the many design projects around Mozilla. Price Wise Firefox Color Tools Discussion on tools and workflow related to development inside mozilla-central and other repositories. Firefox Lockwise Edit: Firefox Lockwise is not supported anymore. This category has been closed.