Can not build '' binary

Hello, I am using DeepSpeech version 0.5.1 and Mozilla’s TensorFlow r1.13 branch.
But when I use this command bazel build --config=monolithic -c opt --copt=-O3 --copt="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0" --copt=-fvisibility=hidden // //native_client:generate_trie to build and generate_trie binary bellow Error occurs:

ERROR: /home/araf15/test/tensorflow/native_client/BUILD:85:1: no such target '//tensorflow:macos': target 'macos' not declared in package 'tensorflow' defined by /home/araf15/test/tensorflow/tensorflow/BUILD and referenced by '//'
ERROR: Analysis of target '//' failed; build aborted: Cannot compute config conditions
INFO: Elapsed time: 3.972s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (12 packages loaded, 48 targets configured)

Any one can help me to overcome this situation please…?

This is symptom of mismatching branches. macos definition is used in > 0.5.1.

@araf.hasan15 Please re-check your system, you should have: