Hey everyone
I’ve been working on a new Raspberry Pi disk image that uses the latest version of the Webthings Gateway. It’s part of my research into privacy friendly smart home design with the Candle project:
A direct download link to the disk image (1.2 Gigabytes):
It’s essentially just Gateway 1.1 with some things bolted on top. For example, it comes with lots of new addons that are only available with that image because they weren’t being accepted into the Webthings addons list. It also comes with updates to lots of other addons (mostly because the Webthings 1.1 API has seen significant changes). All other Webthings addons are of course also available, although I dont know if any of them will have trouble with the API changes in Webthings 1.1.
There are also some limitations:
- Tunneling service is disabled by default. In its place there are two new addons that allow for external control.
A full list of updates can be found here:
I’d love to get your feedback.