Cannot login to mozilla common voice and cannot download datasets - RESOLVED

When I attempt to login to, I am redirected to which results in an error. Additionally, when I go to datasets and fill in an email to download a dataset, I cannot click the boxes to agree to the terms. I’ve tried this on both chrome and firefox for both Ubuntu and Windows 10.

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Hi @Nicholas_Jay_Sanders, there are ongoing backbone upgrades in Common Voice now. It was announced that there can be outages/disruptions until 29th.

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This would make sense. I’ve eventually been able to download the dataset I was attempting to download before.

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I’m getting this error now. After signing up with any of the options, i am redirected to without being logged in.
Tried several times with different login methods and different browsers.

@nicomunster: This has been happening for a couple of days now. It can be related to the large campaign in Catalan language.
But if you try a couple of times, you can pass it…

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I am also unable to log in after several attempts

Same issue, cannot login, and cannot press any of the checkboxes for agreeing to the download