As for the past hour I am not able to upload new add-on versions due to a server error.
After uploading and pressing the “Add version” button it remains stuck and in the Firefox console this is being logged:
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data preload-min.js:3:20118
p.parseJSON() preload-min.js:3
.error() devhub-min.js:1
n() common-min.js:1
p.Callbacks/u() preload-min.js:1
p.Callbacks/l.fireWith() preload-min.js:1
k() preload-min.js:3
.send/n() preload-min.js:3
And the network response code is 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
Additionally the validator is now adding 4 new warning messages that were not present in any of the previous versions, all of which point to irrelevant points of the code and state:
The FUEL library is no longer supported.
Please use the Add-ons SDK instead.
See for more information.
I’ve had problems with several Mozilla services. For example, gave me errors several times.
It may be that Mozilla services are DDoSed or heavily spammed. In fact MDN cannot currently accept new editors. I really appreciate if Mozilla publicly maintains current and past service status summaries so that the community are well informed of any important problems. Many tech companies publish ones. Thanks.
Same problem using the mozilla web.
I tried also using jpm sign, but failed before returning the signed file due to a time out error.
Validating add-on […]JPM [error] FAIL
Error: Validation took too long to complete; last status:{“active”:false,“automated_signing”:true,“url”:“ and domain…/versions/0.0.6/uploads/0e62296e7f3f4c699f88600feac26d73/”,“files”:[],“passed_review”:false,“pk”:“0e62296e7f3f4c699f88600feac26d73”,“processed”:true,“reviewed”:false,“valid”:true,“validation_results”:{“errors”:0,“success”:true,“warnings”:0,“compatibility_summary”:{“notices”:0,“errors”:0,“warnings”:0},“passed_auto_validation”:true,“ending_tier”:5,“messages”:[{“file”:“install.rdf”,"edi…
at null._onTimeout (/usr/lib/node_modules/jpm/lib/amo-client.js:184:14)
at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:92:15)