I’ve been running Webthings on a R-Pi3 for the last 9 months or so and it was running relatively smoothly until about a week ago.
The first problem that arose was the Zigbee adapter couldn’t connect to its Things. Everything else appeared to be working OK (Z-Wave devices continued working, Rules, accessing the Gateway). This seemed to happen after an Zigbee adapter update, so I logged an issue here. It was closed immediately and it looks like another update was sent out overnight, but this didn’t fix the problem.
Within a day, I could no longer access the Gateway at all (either locally or externally) and the Z-Wave devices (or the Rules) no longer activated.
I don’t know that these two issues (Zigbee adapter and the Gateway) are necessarily related, only that they occurred within a day or two.
I should also note that since I set up the Webthings last year, I had to get a new router from my ISP. There has been an intermittent problem like the one I have now, in that every couple of weeks I wouldn’t be able to access the Gateway locally or externally, but all I had to do was restart the R-Pi and it would then be fine. I found reference via ISP forums that this is happening with other IOT gateways with this router. Obviously, restarting the R-Pi is not working for me now. I have also tried resetting the router, but that didn’t fix or change the problem.
The behaviour seems very similar to this and this topic, but there were no suggestions in there that have helped.
To summarise:
- From what I can tell, the R-Pi appear to boot up OK
- It obtains an IP address (via wireless) and I can see the R-Pi through the router portal (and it’s name is webthings)
- I can ping the R-Pi
- I can SSH to the R-Pi
- I can ping the internet from the R-Pi
Any ideas?
Are there log files that might shed light? If so, please be specific – I’m a novice. I can see that there have been no new log files generated in the .webthings/log directory since the time I think the Gateway became inaccessible – not sure if that is relevant.
Thanks for any help.