Can't download themes, keep getting "Server Error"

I’ve been trying to download/install themes from but every themes I click on I get this page below. I have the latest FF version. Thank you in advance for any feedback.

Server Error

Sorry, but there was an error with our server and we couldn’t complete your request. We have logged this error and will investigate it.
Suggested Pages

Browse all extensions
Browse all themes
Add-ons Home Page

If you have additional information that would help us you can file an issue. Tell us what steps you took that lead to the error and we’ll do our best to fix it.

Please file an issue here with all the details. Make sure to include any add-ons you have installed or settings you might have changed.

Thanks! when I tried the page on chrome or on another computer, it worked. I un-installed/re-installed FF, even re-set FF to default, nothing helped. Then I saw the link to “view classic desktop site” and that works. So, I’ll just use the classic site then. Thanks

FYI, a similar issue was filed, and a couple of duplicates as well. We don’t know how to reproduce the error yet, so any information would be useful.