I can’t enable USB Devices on about:debugging setup page. I already installed ADB toolkit for MacOS, also I can see my device in ADB devices list:
~% adb devices -l
List of devices attached
013db356 device usb:336723968X product:OnePlus6T model:ONEPLUS_A6010 device:OnePlus6T transport_id:9
On the device I’ve enabled “Remote debugging via USB”. But when I click on “Enable USB Devices” button, nothing happens. I can see only “Updating…” message, then “Disabled” again.
Also no devices in the devices list, because USB Devices are disabled. “Refresh devices” does not make any effect.
We need to release a new version of the adb extension which contains binaries compatible with M1/M2 macs, in the meantime since you already installed adb, you can start the daemon by running adb start-server
Could you try to open about:config, and change the preference “devtools.remote.adb.extensionURL” to https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/labs/devtools/adb-extension/#OS#/adb-extension-latest-#OS#.xpi (basically remove the /mozilla.org from the current value).