At least three volunteers from the Georgian community have reported that they can’t record (or hear the recording) on their iOS mobile devices. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
(Bülent Özden)
March 17, 2023, 1:28pm
Hey @Razmik-Badalyan , is this the issue they are encountering?
opened 12:14PM - 24 Jan 23 UTC
closed 09:07AM - 27 Apr 23 UTC
**Describe the bug**
When Contributors review their recording in Safari from iP… hone, they cannot listen to their voice.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Open your iPhone and click Safari
2. Go to
3. Record 3-5 sentences/phrases
4. Click the mark for review their voice --> Cannot hear the recording
**Expected behavior**
Everyone is able to listen to their recording voice data.
**Desktop or Mobile (please complete the following information):**
- OS: [iOS]
- Browser [safari]
- Version [16.3]
**Additional Hardware (were you using headphones, an external speaker or an external microphone?):**
- Type: iPhone
- Model: SE
**Additional context**
When I open FireFox/Chrome and go to the Common Voice page on my Android phone, there is no problem.
I really appreciate your help!!
If it is, collecting some technical specs and posting there can help narrowing it down.
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(Bülent Özden)
March 17, 2023, 2:46pm
This older bug can also be interesting (fixed by reverting commit):
opened 07:23AM - 01 Apr 21 UTC
**Describe the bug**
I can't reproduce this bug myself, but I want to pass the … information forward. After fixing #3048 a voice donor contracted me and said that he can't hear his records any more before he sends them . He was using an iphone 6plus, so likely an older version of Safari.
I will try to reproduce this in an emulator later.
**To Reproduce**
Record audio on a iphone 6plus, then try to listen to your sentences before sending them.
**Desktop or Mobile (please complete the following information):**
- likely Safari
**Additional Hardware (were you using headphones, an external speaker or an external microphone?):**
- Type: iphone
- Model: 6plus
**Additional context**
If there are additional questions I can pass them to the affected person.
Thanks so much for alerting us to this! @bozden , thank you so much for highlighting similar issues to see if these might be grouped bugs.
@Razmik-Badalyan do you have any information on the browser, which version of iOS and/or phone they’re having issues with?
Unfortunately, I don’t. I asked them for more info, but got no reply, yet.
Not a problem at all, this lets me do some weird testing:sparkles: at the local device lab, which I’m always excited about. If you do get any more information I would love to learn more but for now I’ll test things out and also chat to eng!
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