Hi, so I was thinking about this for a while and I don’t know if it’s possible or is in the roadmap, but for example I can understand English at around 1.5x speed playback, which means that I could validate at 1.5x my current rate, this is even more true for the long run, also I could decrease the speed for other languages that I don’t understand as well for 0.75x and get better results while validating them. So I hope this feature is introduced soon.
I like this idea. Couple it with automatic playback and preloading the next clip in the background and validating could be a lot faster.
Thanks for the feedback.
Can I suggest we turn this into a description of the current problems/issues we face with the current implementation?
Something like “This is the current state I observe. This is what I would like to do”. Examples:
- “I usually devote 10 minutes a day to validate sentences, the current playback speed allows me to do X validations. I would like to be able to validate more sentences per minute”
- “I have to invest X seconds to click and load the next clip after validating the previous one. I would like to avoid any waiting time between validations”
This way we can abstract us from specific solutions and open the floor to other potential improvements to solve the same problem (this doesn’t mean the solutions you talked here are not good, in fact, they are)
It takes me about 1 second to tap the play button and maybe another half second for the clip to load and play*. So we’ll say the time spent is 1.5 secs.
I have validated around 140,000 clips so that works out to over 58 hours spent just pressing play and waiting for it to load.
(*This is when I’m at home on my fast connection. Using my phone over LTE can take up to 3 seconds to load a file.)
I wrote a userscript to add those features (1.5x speed, autoplay):
Use a userscript manager extension, like Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey, then you can install it by clicking on this link.
@Smitop Just amazing, thank you!!! It’s working you guys.
@Smitop Could you see if the scripts still works? I’m not able to use it anymore, maybe the site code has changes since the last time I used, this helped a lot in terms of speed, thanks in advance.