Hello! I have write a plugin which change user network settings to proxy by firefox preferences. But when I try to upload it on mozilla market it say to me that I can upload only WebExtention. I have addont, which based on bootstrap with “instal.rdf” config. Firefox wants “manifest.json” instead of it. Can I include bootstrap by the manifest.json or use some analoge for this? I didn`t find that in the docs. How I can replace Services.prefs.getBranch(“network.proxy.”); for example? I just need to chanhe proxy settings what should I write in WebExtention instead of var prefsvc = require(“sdk/preferences/service”);
prefsvc.set(“network.proxy.http”, server)" ? Hope for your answer.
You should still be able to update SDK based Add-ons. But you can’t Upload new ones.
If you’ve just developed a new SDK based Addon, then that work was mostly wasted. There are no direct equivalents for the APIs you are asking for. AFAIK there will be some kind of proxy settings API, but you won’t be able to change pefs directly.
There is a WebExtensions proxyAPI for making proxy settings changes. I cannot find the docs for it at the moment but will post a reply when I do.
Thx for reply. I cannot find it too, but if you will, let me know pls.
It didn’t exist until 29 May 2017. Here it is: