Changes that I want in Thunderbird

I recently learned about Thunderbird. So far, I absolutely love it! :grinning:

As much as I love Thunderbird, there are a few suggestions that popped up in my mind, which I have written down in a PDF.
Changes that I want in Thunderbird.pdf (122.4 KB)

I hope that my suggestions are taken into consideration. Thanks for reading! :slightly_smiling_face:

Access Denied to that link.

Anyway, if you want enhancements to Thunderbird you need to file enhancement bugs on Bugzilla

Sorry, I’m able to upload attachments now.
Changes that I want in Thunderbird.pdf (122.4 KB)

As for Bugzilla, I found it too intimidating.

Google talk is not quite dead. Wikipedia: " The Google Talk App for Android and the Google Chat tool in Gmail were discontinued on June 26, 2017 and no longer function. Users may still continue to use third-party XMPP clients to connect to the legacy Google talk server, but only for 1-on-1 chat with Hangouts users."

If you haven’t heard of XMPP, you should research it. It’s a powerful set of platform-independent messaging protocols: you may have heard of it under its pre-standardization name of ‘Jabber’. Regrettably it’s not as common as it should be - WhatsApp, iMessage, and other proprietary solutions have taken over, and a messaging app is only useful if everybody has it. I have an XMPP account on my phone- but I need to use WhatsApp because my children do.

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I think syncing of contacts will happen.

I very much doubt if there will ever be a mobile version of TB - not if ‘mobile’ means the sort of phones we have today. And I don’t see the need for one. TB already does too many things. There are plenty of email apps, some of them open-source. There are mobile messaging clients, RSS clients (even a few nntp clients). Why would you want all that in one application? If TB didn’t exist, nobody would invent it.

I cannot imagine that many people actually use it anymore, so what is the point of keeping the integration around?

I would prefer if more common protocols (whatever kind of protocols that popular chat apps use) were implemented over something like XMPP.

Thanks for linking that. :slight_smile:

Hopefully so! It is a feature that’s crucial to my workflow. I mentioned contact syncing because there used to be an add-on that would sync Google Contacts with Thunderbird, but it no longer works on the latest version of Thunderbird. I’m surprised that it hasn’t been integrated into Thunderbird itself.

Yeah, I know how the community is very much split on a mobile Thunderbird app. I’m on the side that wants one (mainly because smartphones have become extremely important in our modern lives).

Maybe some of the features could be stripped out (chat, RSS, etc)? If the app was only capable of email functionality, then I would still be happy.

It is hard to explain exactly why I want a mobile Thunderbird app, but I just really really want one. As much as I respect your opinion, I’m certainly not the only person that wants a mobile Thunderbird app. 352 Twitter users would vote with their wallets, not to mention the other dedicated Thunderbird lovers who would donate money to see a mobile Thunderbird app come to life.

Regardless, I’m very thankful for your feedback. Please feel free to provide more! :smile:

In many cases the protocols used are proprietary and there are no APIs. For example I know you cannot write a WhatsApp app, or build WhatsApp messenger into a program like Tbird. WhatsApp only works with its own apps, and if you try to reverse engineer the protocol, and FB find out, they close your account. I don’t know for certain about Google and Apple but I think their messengers are the same. Google started their messenger using XMPP but changed to using proprietary protocols. Apple is Apple: it’s non-standard in everything.

It is:!topic/tb-planning/EOjSfGnrlbw

I’m pretty sure their messengers aren’t the same.

What about integration with private messages in Twitter?

Actually, it looks like Twitter integration was removed for some reason. Could they possibly bring it back?

Oh, is that what CardDAV is?

Regardless, it appears that they’re having trouble with natively syncing Google Contacts.

I mean the same as WhatsApp in that there is no public API so you cannot interface to them. As I said, though, I’m not sure.

Well, Telegram has APIs that are publicly available.

Actually, it appears that WhatsApp does in fact have a publicly available API.

As I expected, Twitter has a publicly available API too (and helpful documentation to go along with it).
To top things off, there are plenty more APIs out there that Thunderbird could utilize.

We have quite a few protocols out there that also deal with contacts and calendar and e-mail that should not rely on external addons.

It would be a great step forward if we had native support for JMAP;JCAL CARDDAV and CALDAV and whatever google and outlook are using for their apps.

Instead of running Z-Push,TBSync, Exquilla, OWL, Lookout and Show Outlook Appointments, native support for all kinds of MS Exchange protocols like OWA,EAS,EWS would be a big help to convince Businesses to move gradually to Thunderbird

Exactly! There are way too many common protocols that Thunderbird doesn’t even remotely support.

Honestly, I love how Opera implements social media integration.