Clear adress bar when overriding "New tab" page in Firefox 54


current Firefox 54 finally supports overriding New tab page.
However there one major issue:
When opening new window of Firefox, address-bar contains addons URL and the cursor is placed at the end of the URL! - this is however very annoying since you have to select the text first before you can start typing URL.

When opening new tab, the address-bar still contains addons URL but the whole URL is selected so you can just start typing (still many people don’t know they can overwrite selected text by typing text without deleting it first).

Can I force to clear URL? Or is this a Firefox bug?

In Chrome the address bar is just empty for new tab page.

My addon is Group Speed Dial

Thanks for help!

I think this might be by design. Firefox is more privacy oriented so the team might want to show clearly to people the page is originating from an addon. I’m totally guessing here though.

It could be a bug, you can search bugzilla like this, quote from an article I read:

Bugzilla has a [somewhat esoteric][bugzilla-searchhelp] search syntax. To look for all open and closed WebExtension bugs that mentioned the history API, [try searching][bugzilla-searchhistory] for ALL Component:WebExtensions #history, which should turn up [Bug 1208334]: “Implement history API for open extension API.”

Or you can ask on #webextensions IRC channel -

Or you can email dev-addons mailing list - need to sign up first though -

I opened the