Client ID does not have sufficient scopes when attempting to retrigger a try job

Hello. I am trying to manually rerun some jobs in that I think are failing due to intermittent bugs

Unfortunately I get an error:

Retrigger failed with Decision task: [redacted]: Error: Client ID mozilla-auth0/google-oauth2|[redacted]/treeherder-production-client-[redacted] does not have sufficient scopes and is missing the following scopes: ``` hooks:trigger-hook:project-gecko/in-tree-action-1-generic/[redacted] ``` This request requires the client to satisfy the following scope expression: ``` hooks:trigger-hook:project-gecko/in-tree-action-1-generic/[redacted] ``` 

I tried logging in via my email (, via gitbub and via google OAuth (

I can’t login via my google email because you ask for an LDAP password and I do not have one.

This might be caused by the fact that I have switched from gmail to and I am still using my gmail as the account name when pushing to try.

I’m having the same issue. I’m not able to retrigger intermittent failures.