While looking for an addon that would bring back The ADDON BAR (which is a very telling statement in and of itself) I had the idea to start collecting the types of addons that I find myself looking for from time to time.
The addons are (sometimes) easy to find. However, I had a thought, to save myself time in the future, I would create A Collection of Addons for myself so that I would not have to take the time to go hunting for those same addons again in the future when I needed to find them.
Alright, I created “My Addons Collection”. Very Easy! OK so then, I go back to that addon I just installed, so I can now plop it down in “My Addons Collection”.
Here is The TROUBLE: I am unable to figure out How to Add an Addon to “My Addons Collection”.
Even more worrisome to me is that I did search google in firefox to get the answer to that question, and I could not find the answer, even when I tried changing my question around. No combination of the words “How do I add an addon to my addon collection?” brought up the answer for me.
SO I am here. If you’re reading this, can you tell me the answer please to my question: “How do I add an addon to my addon collection?”