Common Voice Training


This is my first time working with DeepSpeech and am just going off the documentation and previous posts I have found off this discourse.

I have download the “Common Voice Corpus 6.1” dataset. I have been using the official documentation provided ( and the DeepSpeech playbook ( I have followed the steps on a Manjaro (Arch Distro) installation with a 1080 Ti and a AMD Ryzen 7 3700X (8 Core, 16 Thread, 3.600GHz) and have not run into any problems, however, I want to make sure that the command I formulated will get me the fastest possible setup. The command I have created and am currently using is

python3 \
	--train_files deepspeech-data/cv-corpus-6.1-2020-12-11/en/clips/train.csv \
	--dev_files deepspeech-data/cv-corpus-6.1-2020-12-11/en/clips/dev.csv \ 
	--test_files deepspeech-data/cv-corpus-6.1-2020-12-11/en/clips/test.csv \ 
	--train_batch_size 64 \
	--dev_batch_size 64 \
	--test_batch_size 64 \
	--automatic_mixed_precision=True \
	--export_dir deepspeech-data/export \
	--export_tflite \
	--checkpoint_dir deepspeech-data/checkpoint

Thanks in advance

Looks good to me, you can also join us on Mozilla’s Matrix to get realtime help.

Alright, thank you very much. I’ll make sure to join in the situation of which I run into any errors.