Create identity around a new image will be hard, I’m proposing after a year or more to release the dino head logo to Mozilla communities, each one can do their own modification like mozilla mexico did.
I know that mozilla don’t want the dino head because is scary for customers but I think is perfect for communities, the adoption is done !
In the other hand I really love the many voices one mozilla Logo, see the Nuke T-Shirt!!
The logo redesign is insteresting and might think criteria like able to modify from template. BTW, design example from @vikingkarwur is pretty cool! (like MozSpace sticker design).
I think whatever concept we use we should use Viking’s idea of having an area to put the name of the community. Even if we don’t use his entire concept the banner could really be added to anything.
What connects the members of a community, it is the activities they live together, the projects they have for the future … but also the origin and history of these communities (that old Mozillians must forward to the new). I think a logo should reflect that.
And the dino represent this story, I think it must be present in the new logo. Only a silhouette, like the top of this page, is not scary
Nice work but it doesn’t fix in small or horizontal spaces, for example at the header in this platform (now using mozilla wordbrand and dinohead) will no looks so good in a small size.
WoMoz doesnt use the whole logo for the favicon, we have part of the logo for when it needs to be small. I think Viking’s idea, or similar could use this. It could be a matter of just using the shield shape with the color stripes.
I really should have added - it’s great that you’re thinking about this, because those things are very important when selecting a logo. It’s not uncommon to have different variations on the logo to fit in different spaces, so people submitting designs should keep that in mind, and maybe make suggestions for how their logo could be reduced or displayed differently to work in those situations.
What if I challenged the premise that an old logo needs a refresh? What about the existing logo no longer fits and is driving the change?
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(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
I think the logo needs a refresh, now that there a efforts improving the mozilla brand and we had a few Firefox logo improvements since the Communities logo came out, personally it seems “old” for me.
The old logo was fine but it was never that great (no offense to those who designed/chose it), it’s not very compelling and it doesn’t really convey the idea of collaboration. Besides that, we don’t use the dino for outward facing engagement anymore so there’s one reason to change it. Also, Viking’s idea of a logo that can then be tweaked to be the base logo for different communities is great. It allows some continuity to show the sites are linked, but also allows for customization.
I was also going to make the point that it also better matches the current Mozilla branding, but then again are we not about to get new branding? So perhaps this should wait?