A reminder of the Community Education call tomorrow, Thursday April 23rd 10 AM PDT/ 7 PM UTC / Check your timezone here
Agenda currently includes:
- A visit from Mark Surman, who will be talking to talk about ‘Building an Academy’ - make sure you’ve read the blog post
- Community Education ‘Plugin’- what should that look like?
Please add your agenda items or non-verbal updates!
Agenda : https://remo.etherpad.mozilla.org/community-education-apr-23-2015
IRC back-channel: #mozillians
Vidyo: https://v.mozilla.com/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=SGxbYvrUCp8k
Wiki: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Community_Education_Working_Group
Air Mozilla Feed: https://air.mozilla.org/community-education-call-20150423/